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Author: Subject: Monthly Master Points

posted on 9-23-2023 at 03:52 PM Edit Post Reply With Quote
Monthly Master Points

Calculating Monthly Master Points
1. At the end of the current month click on ADMINISTRATION PANEL (small white letters below the 20 boxes in the upper right.)
2. Click on MONTHLY RANKING LIST. (small white printing on the right side of the screen.) This brings up POINTS REVIEW in orange letters. Input the BEGIN DATE and END DATE for the past month as instructed. Then input the CUT-OFF NUMBER OF GAMES. This is the minimum number of games a player must have played during the month in order to qualify for MASTER POINTS (MP). Currently, the number is 40. Then click GET ALL MONTHLY RANKINGS.
(a) Scroll down to the first set showing just the POINTS each player had for the month.
(b) Scroll further down to the first set showing just the SKILL RATIO (SR) each player had for the month.
(C) Scroll further down to the first set showing WINNING PERCENTAGE (WP) each player had for the month.
For each of the 3 lists in (a) (b) and (c) only the top 10 are awarded MASTER POINTS (MP)
MPs are awarded for the top 10 players as follows:
Now you have 3 separate list of Master Points awarded for POINTS, SKILL RATIO and WINNING PERCENTAGE. Y
Using the data from the 3 lists compile a 4th list of all of the players receiving MP for the month.
You can see samples of these lists posted each month.
The total of all MP awarded for the month must equal 243 (81 x 3 =243). This figure could be 244 245, 246 if there tie scores. ie. two players tied in 9th and 10th place receive 4 MP each instead of 4 and 3. 4+3=7 divided by 2 gives 3.5 each which rounds up to 4 MP each
All 4 of the above lists are posted on the website.
To do this, click on the Bulletin Boards box at the top of the screen. Then click on the forum called "Wizard News". In the next screen click on NEW TOPIC in top right below the rectangular boxes. Then fill in SUBJECT e.g. September totals for TOP 10. Then filling MESSAGE e.g. Copy and paste all 4 lists: PTS, SR, WP and Total MPs.

NEXT: The players shown in the last list, MASTER POINTS FOR THE MONTH must now be awarded the MASTER POINTS.
On the Home Screen click on "CLICK HERE TO PLAY".
Then click on UPDATE MASTER POINTS. (grey rectangular box in the lower part of the screen.) This brings up a chart of all the players and their Master Points. (Ignore the column marked PULSAR POINTS as they no longer exist.)
Each of the players who are receiving MP for the month must be entered individually.
First, click on the REMOVE RECENT TAGS st the top of the screen.
Then starting with the username of the first player on the list to receive MPs scroll down through the list of Usernames until you land on the person's username. Click on it and the name appears in the USERNAME box. Then enter the MPs to be awarded.
Next click on the Recent* box and a * will appear to indicate a new (recent) entry. Then enter the date in the form of 2023-10-01. Finally, click the box ADD NEW DATA. That completes the entry for the first person. Repeat this process for each of the other players receiving MPs for the month.
To delete data that you may incorrectly enter twice:
1. Enter the ID number (left column) of the data that you want deleted.
2. Then click on DELETE DATA...viola!.
To see the updated MP Rankings click on the WORLD RANKINGS box in the upper right of the Home Screen. (The updated figures will be there.)

How to reset the Monthly Ranking List for the new month.
Click ADMIN. PANEL (Under boxes in upper right)
Click MONTHLY RANKING LIST (on right side of lists)
Click UPDATE (top line on the page.)
Fill in BEGIN DATE and END DATE as per instructions. (JR is no longer active so fill in the same data as per regular Wizard)
Cutoff Number...currently set at 40.
* To check that the changes have been made correctly return to the HOME SCREEN, scroll down and click on GET ALL SCORES. You should see data for the new month.

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