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Topic Review

posted on 2-3-2003 at 04:26 PM

The final scores and the master points awarded.

No. 1. Feb. 2/03
LiptonLad........320.....(18 pts)
shirley514 ......abs......(3)

No.2 Apr.13/03
Mr. WIzard.......110......(3)

TRIAD results
1. wizard 400 (3)
2. Bobby 380 (2)
3. omnipotent 50 (1)

No.3 Sunday, Oct.5/03

TRIAD results
1. wizard 460 (3)
2. Mr. Wizard 80 (2)
3. BiggerBrat 50 (1)

#4 Saturday Feb.7.04
1. Merlin.............240........21
2. SpiritGrove.....200........17.5
3. Mr. Wizard.....190........14
4. Lanz262........180.........10.5
5. Bruzer............160..........7
6. wizard............150..........3.5

TRIAD Results
1. Merlin ..........770...(3)
2. Mr. Wizard...610...(2)
3. SpiritGrove..310....(1)

#5 Sat. Aug. 21/04
1. Dr. Wizard.........250........18 pts
2. Mr. Wizard.........240........15
3. Original eskimo..200........12
4. Spicy..................190..........9
5. Jamby................160..........6
6. garoni................130..........3

Triad Results
1. Mr. Wizard...... 430.....(3)
2. Dr. Wizard...... 320.....(2)
3. Original Eskio..240......(1)

#6 Sat. Nov. 21/04
1. denali..............270.........15
2. Shibbi..............190.........12.5
3. Bobby..............180.........10
4. Uncle Chuckie..160..........7.5
5. Michelle4..........130..........5
6. deanna............120..........2.5

#7 Sun. Nov.27/04
First ever online Hidden Bid Tournament
Master pts in brackets
1. (20).....Madlock......260
2. (16.5)..Mr. Wizard..240
3. (13.5)..bob.............210
4. (10).....deanna.......180
5. (6.5)....jonkite.........110
6. (3.5)...xxtheronxx.....70

TRIAD Results
First Triad played in 3 different time zones
1. Madlock........510......3 pts
2. Mr. Wizard...280.......2 pts
3. bob..............240.......1 pt

#8 Sunday March 13, 2005
1st ....unclechuckie....270.....24 Master Pts
2nd... deanna...........260......20
3rd.... Tantalize........240......16
4th.... Wizbucket......200......12

#9 Sat. April 16, 2005
1st. PiasaGene.& Mr.Wizard......220..14.5 MP
3rd. bob.................................190.....11
4th. nortonhooterton...............170.......8
5th. Madlock............................160.......5
6th. wizard..............................150........3

TRIAD results
1. Mr. Wizard.........560........3 M.P.
2. PiasaGene.........230........2 M.P.
3. Bob....................200........1 M.P

#10 Sat. Aug. 6, 2005
1. Wizbucket....300.....18
2. The Boss......230.....15
3. Vanderdl......170......12
4. Piasa Gene..150........9
5. Spicy............120........6
6. elessar...........30.......3

#11 Sat. Aug 20, 2005
1. unclechuckie... 260 (18 Master Points)
2. trapizoid......... 250 (15)
3. paulacv........... 190 (12)
4. deanna........... 180 (9)
5. ken mccoy....... 140 (6)
6. PiasaGene...... 130 (3)

#12 Jan. 1, 2006

1. Spicy ...............260..........24
2. Ken McCoy ......240..........20
3. The Boss ........220...........16
4. Fatty_a69 ......170............14
5. Denali .............160............10
6. Pink Panther ...140..............6

Triad results (scores not available)
1. The Boss
2. Spicy
3. Ken McCoy

#13 Jan. 14, 2006
Mr Wizard ..........210..........18
karmakarma...... 200...........15
spicy .................200............12
jeffzel ................190.............9
Twit Meister........150............6
unclechuckie....... 140............3

#14 Feb.1, 2006
wizard .............280..........25
Mr. Wizard .......230..........20
merlin ..............200..........15
fizzwiz1 ...........140..........10
unclechuckie ...120.............5

#15..Feb. 18, 2006
1. The Dmitri.........290....24 Master Points
2. Madmom...........220....20
3. wizard..............210....16
4. merlin...............200....12
5. beachbeetle.....180......8
6. Fland................160......4

#16..March 8, 2006
1. Ken McCoy.... 270.................34 Master Points
2. Dodderj.... ......260................28
3. Judj.... ............260................23
4. Nightrunner.... 240................17
5. Waldorf.... ......160................11
6. Merlin ..............90,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, 6

#17..March 26, 2006
1. Ken McCoy ..........230..............24
2. ritzkiss................ 170..............20
3. bbandit ...............150..............16
4. The Dmitri ...........130...............12
5. Magicgirl .............120.................8
6. Rob Taylor ...........-10.................4

#18.. Oct. 18, 2006
1. wert..................190. (tie)....16.5 master points
2. lazyjones..........190 (tie).....16.5
3. Wizbucket.........150......... ..12
4. unclechuckie......140..............9
5. Twit Meister.......120..............6
6. ken mccoy...........20..............3

#19 November 3, 2006.
1. Magic girl.............270.....24 M.P.
2. Mortishy.............240.......20
3. Unclechuckie........230......16
4. Ken McCoy..........190........12
5. Lazyjones...........170.........8
6. beachbeetles....... 60.........4

#20..Dec. 7,2006.
1. magicgirl.................................240.........15 master points
2 & 3.. Hazardous & Karmakarma...230..........11.25
4 & 5..Wert & Jeffzel.....................220.........7.5
6. the steve................................210.........2.5

2007 + are listed on a separate page.

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