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Topic Review

posted on 3-10-2003 at 05:42 PM

Q. How are the points for the "Top 10 High Scores" shown on the Portal Page determined?
A.For every game that a player completes a minimum of 3 points are awarded. Points are distributed based on the player's placement at the end of the game. Last place gets 3 points, next 6, then 9, 12, 15, 18.
The winner of a 3-player game receives 9 points while the winner of a 6-player game receives 18 points.
UPDATE July 2003
Starting with the Summer Session 2003 points will be awarded as follows:
3-handed: 2-1-0
4-handed: 3-2-1-0
5-handed: 4-3-2-1-0
6-handed: 5-4-3-2-1-0
i.e. One point for every player below you in the final score.
UPDATE March 1, 2005
The "Top Ten" receive Master Points ranging from 1-10. First gets 10 points and 10th gets 1 point.
UPDATE Jan. 2005
Major revision of scoring system. See Revised Scoring System under "top 10"

Q. Are the "Top 10 High Scores" a true indication of a player's skill in playing WIZARD?
A. Not really! A player that plays a lot of games will automatically accumulate a considerable number of points even though he/she may not win many games.
Conversely a skillful player may win a large percentage of his/her games but because he/she is not a frequent player will not rank in the top 10
Top 10 rankings indicate a combination of frequent play and skilful play.
UPDATE March 1, 2005
With the new scoring system skill does indeed outpoint frequent play. However you still need to play to amass points. A person who only plays twice and wins each time will have 100% results but the score will still not be high enough to win.
Update Dec. 2005
Are the players on the “Top 10” list the best players?
Yes and No. Yes, because the point system rewards good players. You must win on a regular basis to get on the list. No, because the point system also rewards frequent play.
For example a player who plays and wins 5 games (6 handed) end s up with 25 points while a player who plays and wins 10 games (6-handed) ends up with 50 points. Both have a 100% win record. Although still not completely accurate a better picture of ability is obtained by dividing a player’s total score by the number of games played. Call this score the “Abilty Score”.
Currently the top 5 are:
Fizzwizz..........131 pts in 119 games.....Ability 1.1
PiasaGene..........94.5 pts in 72 games.....Ability 1.3
wizard..........88.5 pts in 93 games.....Ability 0.95
Demon..........81 pts in 126 games.....Ability 0.64
Unclechuckie..........77.5 pts in 72 games.....Ability 1.0
Note that infrequent players often have high “Ability Scores”
Currently angel_heart has 12.5 pts in 5 games for an Ability Score of 2.5

Q. I'm a new member. How can I ever get listed on the "Top Scores" list when others have built up such a commanding lead?
A.Not to worry. The "Top Scores" will have seasonal leaders. On the first day of each new season all members will start with zero points. This means that there will be 4 separate 'contests' each year. The members with the top 5 scores at the end of each season will be awarded "Master Wizard Points"based on their standing as follows: 5, 4, 3, 2, 1.
To see the "World Rankings" of "Master Points" visit 'Bulletin Boards' then 'Tournaments' then 'Rankings'
Update: Starting in 2004, sessions will be every 2 months resulting in 6 sessions per year instead of 4.

Q.For some reason I'm not getting credit for playing games online. I play but my score does not change. Why?
A.This may happen if the host of the game quits too quickly after the game ends. It's a good idea for the host not to close out the game until he/she has made sure that the score totals in the "Top Scores" box have changed.

Q.Is it possible to play 2 games at one time?
A.Yes it is but it is considered poor form if it means that both games are slowed up because of it. If 2 six-player games are involved the 1 person is delaying play for 11 other people. This tactic is generally frowned upon.

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