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Topic Review

posted on 11-5-2020 at 06:14 PM

A further note about upcoming tournaments to be held over the next 10 to 12 months.

As was noted on the wizard website almost a year ago "The Tournament portion of the program meld(s) with the play of the German Tournament game which is designed to prepare players attending the annual European tournament.
Tournament records will continue to be kept and recorded so that everyone will know who the top-ranked tournament players are.
Some players may not be able to play (40+) games per month but may wish to enter the 2 or 3 tournaments proposed to beheld each month. Their skill will be recognized even though it would not be noticed if melded with the monthly records.
U.S. Games Systems" financ(ed) the bulk of the new programming (at least $15,000 US) and their primary interest is to identify the best players and to train them for the European event. Ergo the focus is on the Tournaments, not the monthly scores."

In that spirit, we are hoping to run at least 3 tournaments each month, and maybe more. Given the wide time zones that we have players participating from (GMT+13 to GMT-8) it is next to impossible to come up with a standard day/time to play. We will be doing a survey to try to ascertain what day/time works for most people, and it is safe to say that we will move around the start times. As a further point of information, we are told that approximately 2,000 players in Germany vie for the spots awarded by that country's tournament play-in process, so those players from North America have an easier pathway it would seem.
Future messages will update everyone on what type of selection process MAY happen to determine representation from North America at the 2021 World Championships so continue to watch for information, and continue to play Wizard-- the most wonderful card game ever invented!!

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