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Topic Review

posted on 4-10-2020 at 04:27 PM

You have registered and want to play online Wizard.
1. Scroll down on the Home Page to “Click here to play” and click on it.
2. The Game page appears. In the upper left you see “Select Available Hosts”
3. If a player’s username is there, click on it to join his/her game.
* If it says “German game” the player is hosting the German version of “Wizard”.
There may also be a hosted game that has already started. You cannot join that game.
4. If there is no name in the host box or only games that have started, you can host a game yourself.
Click on “Create New Host” at the bottom of the “Host box”.
Then wait for others to join your host. You will see their names appear when they join.
You can start a game with 3-4-5 or 6 players. Chat with players in the “Chat box”.
When you are ready to start click on “Deal Cards”.
5. Once the game begins each player has 40 seconds to bid and/or play a card. If the time lapses the A.I.(artificial intelligence) bids and/or plays for you.

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