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Topic Review

posted on 1-5-2013 at 09:22 PM

While I respect the right for everyone to spend their money as they see fit, I am sadly losing respect for the direction this game is going. With no disrespect intended to Cargo or Mac, I blatantly disagree with the automatic selection of them to represent. They are not "The Canadian Champions". You cannot crown anyone a champion of something to which no one else had an opportunity to compete. Although the poll results were maybe underwhelming, they clearly indicated this selection as the 3rd most popular. If your mind was already stubbornly made up to send them, then don't administer a stupid poll that served nothing more than a waste of time. If you truly want to promote the game, involving as many people as possible in the selection process would be the way to do it. For all the money that is claimed to be spent on promotion with no return (and that may very well be the case), why then is the online community not growing much at all? Players come and go...the ones that play here regularly have been members for a long time. The monthly standings repetitively read very similar. With no new competition joining and sticking around and most people here purely for wonder Cargo and Mac have over 2000 MP. When Cargo wins another month...who exactly is shocked by that outcome? Nobody...because there is a very short list of players that even attempt to compete for it. Open your eyes and broaden your thinking...the game will be better for it.
wizard comment
A sound argument for closing down both the site and live tournaments. I know of no other game creator who spends any income from royalties on promotion. It's normally the job of the Game Company to market and sell the product.

It's true that we need new faces but in checking the Top 10 for Dec. 2011 and the Top 10 for Dec. 2012 there are only 3 names that appear in both lists.

ap sirius

posted on 1-4-2013 at 09:06 PM

As much as calling my comments "inane" hurts my feelings, it is a valid opinion, and I still see some of your reasoning. But the logic regarding cost without any return makes no sense. It would seem to me to be more promotional to involve as many players as possible in determining the winner and not just picking two thereby increasing the return possibilities. After all picking two does not aquire new players either. As well, over two thirds of the people responding to the poll suggested that some type of tourny should be the way to decide.
With regards to the Wizfest, it was my understanding that last year, our fees payed for the tourny. If that was not the case then I am mistaken and see that as a valid problem.
Lastly I dont see my comments as being negative, lest anyone think that. I also think that it diminishes the contributions of a lot of other players by picking the two you did.
For me what it come down to is... Do Mactonight and Cargo deserve to go?...Absolutely , there is no one who deserves it more... Am I being selfish and thinking of myself?...Absolutely. But I am also thinking of the game in general and other players who put just as much effort into playing and promoting it. If I wasnt passionate about the game I wouldnt care enough to be sending these posts.
Maybe Im just too idealistic when I think that someone should have to beat other players to earn the honor of representing their country in a world tourny and not just be given it as a "reward for their efforts ".
Maybe too if the blind men were told they were feeling an elephant they wouldnt jump to any wrong conclusions.


wizard comment
"With regards to the Wizfest, it was my understanding that last year, our fees payed for the tourny."
* I had to respond to this because fees do not come close to paying the bill. Maybe mactonight should post a statement of total costs so players could see what a bargain they are getting.


posted on 1-4-2013 at 06:45 PM

Ken-- your explanation in the blog post is both logical and well thought out. It is amazing that you spend the money that you do, as the creator of the game, for the benefit of others, with little or no "return on investment". That is a losing proposition from a business point of view. I guess there will always be many people who have many ideas of how to spend other peoples money. You have a great site going here. Keep up the excellent work and continue to spend your "marketing money" the way YOU, the owner/creator of the game, see fit.


posted on 1-4-2013 at 06:12 PM

I agree with this line of reasoning. Why not let the two greatest Wizard players in the world go for the honour of actually being world champion. Cargo or Mac, both great people and players, would be pumped to see either of them bring home the belt! Good luck guys!


posted on 1-4-2013 at 05:33 PM

The thread seems to be mixed up but a number of comments followed the post below. I have placed my rather long response in the Wizard blogsite if anyone cares to read it: :

2013 World Wizard Championships

The Wizard World Championship in Europe 2013...A new selection approach for a new year.

The USA champion will be decided by a 6-month tournament that runs from January through June.There are currently 22 entrants but more can join at any time.

The Canadian champions to attend the European finals will be the two players with the highest World Rankings. (Currently and unlikely to change: Cargobeep and Mactonight.)

Both USA and Canadian selections provide the ‘champions’ ample time to make the necessary arrangements (both family and work) for the trip. It also provides the planners for the “2013 WizFest Tournament” the flexibility to host the tournament in late July or even August if that works better for them.

This will be the first time that Canada will be represented by 2 entrants and we hope one of them can “bring home the bacon”.
Ken Fisher

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