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Topic Review

posted on 7-11-2003 at 12:58 AM

Thank you for the kind words. It's gratifying to receive letters such as yours.
I'd like to post your letter on our web site but I won't do so without your permission.
I would omit any address or real names.
Ken Fisher

Thanks, Ken. OK to post! (I just bought two sets of cards.)
My mother used to joke that she wanted us to include in her obituary that she was a Grand Wizard. We didn't, but I did wear the pin you'd sent her to the memorial service. Our main mother-daughter bonding experiences were holidays, shopping and cards!


posted on 7-11-2003 at 12:55 AM

Wizard was my mother's favorite card game and she wrote to you on a number of occasions to buy fresh decks. You even sent her a few little Wizard pins once for us to wear when we played!
Mom died a year and a half ago (she was still beating us at age 84) and my sister and I have her left-over decks. Now Wizard has become my father-in-law's favorite card game.
I'm thrilled I can purchase new decks at your website (they get sticky after awhile) but I just wanted to write and thank you for creating such a great game that continues to provide so many hours of fun with friends and family.
Wende, Brooklyn, NY

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