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Wizard Greeter
wizard - 1-3-2009 at 09:49 PM

Wizard Greeter

Copied below is the current greeting that I have been sending but I alter it from time to time and you may do the same.

Your arrival has been foretold by our elders and eagerly anticipated.

You should have received a "temporary password" in a separate e-mail.

If you did NOT receive it, reply to me using your username and I’ll manually provide a password.

(That's right. this is NOT an automatic computer-generated message but an individual personal welcome.)

To change password click on “Control Panel/Options” written in small letters below the 20 boxes at the top of the Home Page. Then under “Your Options” click on “Edit Your Profile”

GETTING STARTED: Click the "Getting Started" box in the upper right corner of the Portal Page.

If you have any questions don’t hesitate to get back to me.
Site address

"Wizard Junior" can now be played online too.

I hope to enjoy a game of Wizard with you soon.

All the best for 2009!


Ken Fisher

The procedure is to click on MEMBERS on the Portal page, then click on the arrows to the right of 1 2 3 4 at the bottom of the page. That brings you to the newest members. The e-mail addresses are right there and I paste in the same message to each one individually. For a subject I simply use WIZARD as it must be typed in for each e-mail.
The mailings do not need to be done daily as long as you do not get too far behind.
If you are prepared to become the new official WIZARD GREETER let me know as I am getting bogged down with too much to do and not enough time to do it.
Ken Fisher (wizard)