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Virtual Host
Mark68 - 8-8-2007 at 03:53 AM

I coudn't seem to find an area on Virtual Host feedback so I am posting here for now. If you have a better place for it, feel free to move it there.

For those who spent the time, effort, and money on creating the virual host, I am here to tell you that it was not for nothing.

At this time, Virtual Host is the ONLY way I can host games. and as I live in the PST time zone and have the tendancy to play in the evening, this is very helpful as there are very few of us on-line to play games.

Thanks very much to everyone involved in the Virtual Host (from the idea to the product) for all your efforts.

Mark68 - 8-8-2007 at 11:41 PM

Well ............... Appearently, someone has "Tweaked" the Virtual Host.

As of today, I can't host no more at all.

My game can be seen, but doesn't function.

Good Luck.

VeXen - 6-5-2009 at 10:42 PM

Originally posted by Mark68
Well ............... Appearently, someone has "Tweaked" the Virtual Host.

As of today, I can't host no more at all.

My game can be seen, but doesn't function.

Good Luck.

Same here.....