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Camelot Spread Sheet
wert - 10-5-2021 at 04:17 PM


An Enchanter or Wizard , can
change into a wizard or jester.
When the Merlin card is played,
either as a Jester or as a Wizard.
The Wizard or Jester,
card is displayed with a
large "M" on it. You decide?
This is to inform the other players
that the Merlin card has been played.

Morgan le Fay:
The Dark Enchantress
The most powerful card that
typically wins the trick.
Only loses to the Grail,
when Pos. is Even.

Wins if Pos. is Even,
Loses if Pos. is Odd.

Excalibur when played totally obliterates any thing
that happens in that trick.
i.e. Nobody gets any points or losing any points..

+ 4 Wizards and 4 Jesters 60 cards all 2s removed

Try to remember who leads.
After who deals? First to bid and first to lead is odd.
Then who ever wins the trick leads back as odd.
are you (even or odd), it changes during the hand.

20 Extra points for taking Grail

If more than four cards are dealt
to each player:
Player bids zero and does not take
any tricks, the player has made
his/her bid correctly. The player
scores 25 points. Exception last hand

Last hand of the game:

Player bids zero and does not take
any tricks, the player has made his/her,
bid correctly.
The player scores 20 points plus
the number of cards dealt to each player:
If 3 players: 20 + 20 = 40 points
If 4 players: 20 + 15 = 35 points
If 5 players: 20 + 12 = 32 points
If 6 players: 20 + 10 = 30 points

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