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Membership Fee for Wizard?
wizard - 8-8-2021 at 02:55 PM

It has been suggested, and offers have been made to pay an annual fee for membership in the Wizard community. This is much appreciated. However, I'd like to keep the site free of charge and free of advertising. If you would like to provide support in addition to your active participation you can do so by purchasing either of the two new Apps and/or purchasing the new Wizard Camelot edition.

Debi - 8-9-2021 at 12:18 AM

Is the Wizard Camelot Edition available for purchase in Canada? If yes, where?
The Canadian distributor (Kroeger) has ordered Camelot games from the USA. Stores such as Walmart and other games stores then order product from Kroeger. So Camelot should be in the stores shortly but I have no specific date.

Josep1952 - 8-11-2021 at 10:00 PM

I have bought the app. Thanks.
Thank You