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Holiday German Wizard Tournament
aniram - 11-12-2020 at 03:29 PM

I would like to have a German Wizard Tournament with nominal prize money (1st - $200USD, 2nd - $100USD, 3rd - $50USD) for the coming holidays.

3 rounds of play, maximum # of players per table 5, maximum number of players 40.

I will only direct the tournament and will not participate in the tournament.

(we have never had a tournament with more than 38 players)

if 40 players register, best case scenario...

1st round - 8 tables of 5, top 3 advance

2nd round - 4 tables of 5, 1 table of 4, winner advances. randomizer will select who lands in the table of four

3rd round - final table of 5

of course, we all know there will be tournament adjustments/delays, depending on how many REGISTERED players are PRESENT at tournament START time. Please, let's minimize GRINCHES but I do understand. Life happens.

I have four dates in mind which work great with my schedule. 3PM ET is 9PM (2100) Spain time and 9AM (following day) New Zealand time.

Vote !! and be counted. Which day works best for you??

Thank you WIZARD and US GAMES for making this Holiday Wizard Tournament possible. I hope to make this an annual event !!