How Do I Join the Online Tournament?
1. Wait for the given time to register. Names registered prior to the stated starting time will be erased.
2. There are 3 crucial posted 'times' to note:
(i) "Registration Opens"
(ii) "Registration Closes"
(iii) "Start Time"
Players who register after "registration" has closed will only be able to join the tournament if they are needed to complete a table.
3. At the Wizard site there are 15 rectangular boxes at the top. Click the box marked Online T. (Online Tournament)
4. Fill in username and password then click register.
5. Shortly after you register your username should appear in NEWS (beneath the CHAT area) YOU WILL NEED TO KEEP REFRESHING YOUR BROWSER IN ORDER TO
6. Once registration is closed the Director will print out the format of the games. For example it could be 3 tables of 6 players (18) or 4 tables of
5 players.(20) or some other combination.
7. Next watch the NEWS area for the names of the players at each table.
8. After the 'registered' players have been assigned tables (Shown in 'NEWS') a player at each table volunteers to act as host and set up a game.
* To set up the game the host clicks START then PROGRAMS then the "Wizard Icon". This brings up the regular screen to act as host. Do NOT fill in the
top section but scroll DOWN to the bottom section to set up a "Tournament" game. Fill in the 'username' and 'password'. Host should then announce in
CHAT that table No. ? is ready to be joined. (The Host should uncheck the Guest features of View and Chat to reduce any risk of cheating.)
9. The other players at the table join in by clicking START, PROGRAMS, Wizard Icon. To log-in they must also scroll down to the Tournament Log-In
area below the regular log-in area. As a final step, click on the name of the host to join the game.
*Most of the snags in early tournaments were caused by players not using the "Tournament sign-in area".
10. After the game is completed a team member must report the results in the Chat area. Even better would be to send a copy of the final scoresheet to
the director.
* In the event of a player being dropped the other players should delay a reasonable amount of time to allow the player to rejoin before the next hand
of cards is dealt.
* Copy and print this page.
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