Ken McCoy
Meeting Locations:
Pops & Ruby's in Cambridge
200 Preston Pky
Cambridge, ON N3H 5N1
Phone: (519) 653-4814
Meetings are held at 7 pm on the 3rd Thursday of each month
For info. contact:
Pres. Ken McCoy
V.P. Spicy
Cambridge Wizard Club (Formerly the Toronto West Wizard Club
Initial Meeting
Date: Thurs. Sept 22.05
Location: Ramada Inn Milton
161 Chisholm Drive
Nine players attended the initial mtg.
kenmccoy and Spicy were chosen as Pres. & V.P. respectively.
After a game of 6 more players arrived. Two games of Q4 were played. After game 1 Top 2 at each table played (and bottom 2) against each other.
Winner at the top 2 table was wizard.
Thanks to all who drove a considerable distance to attend. Omni & Merlin had an hour's drive to attend as guests from the East Club.
1. ken McCoy............ (President)
2. Spicy (Linda ).........(V.P)
3. Paulacv (Paula)
4. Tricia McCoy
5. Sheila McCoy
6. Jeff W.
Want to start a Wizard Club in your area?
Contact Ken Fisher (wizard) at
Also: see Wizard Clubs under Bulletin Boards