#1. Have FUN!
#2. Do nothing to diminish the fun of others. i.e.
....(a) Slow play
....(b) Frequent brb's
....(c) Excessive pooching
....(d) Excessive chat
#3. Do not gripe, whine or snivel.
#4. Host should provide a personal warning before taking action and if necessary BOOT anyone violating rules #1-2-3.
*5. Do not leave a game early simply because you are losing. This ruins the game for those remaining.
Corollary: Each excessive pause during a game detracts from the enjoyment of the game by 5%.
Question for you Wizard. Are you referring to excessive chat outside the game, or during the game with your opponents? Chatting on MSN during games
definately slows play, and I'd like to see people do less of that. But, in my opinion chatting in the game adds to the enjoyment. Just my 2 cents
wizard reply.
I agree with your comments. Chat inside the game is good as long as it does not slow the game down. (That's why I used the word excessive.) Focus on
the game and have fun chatting when free to do so.
Chatting outside falls into the general category of doing other things while playing the game....not good.
Geez, if you can't whine or gripe, that's half the fun gone!!
And for my own edification, what is 'pooching'?
wizard reply:
See "Wizard Glossary" under "Bulletin Boards".
OK OK whining and griping is fine as long as it's done in a fun-way such as the many "I hate this game!" comments.
Stop complaining and griping!
Here's a suggestion to add to Wizard rules of Etiquette: don't leave a game unfinished just because you're losing. We all have to take our losses as
well as our wins. This is the top of my list of annoyances in Wizard. Happens all too frequently, and often ends up with a messed up game because
the person left. Come on people. Grow up. Losing is all part of the game of Wizard. Let's just enjoy.
wizard reply:
Do not leave a game early simply because you are losing because it invariably screws up the game for everybody else.