American & Canadian Reps for Prague 2015.
The 2015 Wizard World Final Tournament will be held in Prague, Czech Republic.
Date: Not yet determined but likely in Sept or Oct.
Two U.S. and two Canadian Wizard players will be sent to represent North America.
Selection: Tentatively the reps will be selected by online tournaments.
Qualifications to enter Tournament Play: You must be an American/Canadian and prepared to attend in Prague.
“U.S. Games Systems” will be compiling a list of U.S. candidates to participate in the online tournaments.
If you are an American and would like to participate send your username and email address under the Subject “US Tournament” to Ken Fisher at
The selection process for Canada has not been determined. Online tournaments is one option. If you are Canadian and want to participate send your
username and email address under the Subject “Canadian Tournament” to Ken Fisher at
* See "Candidates" for list of players