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Viewing a Game/Rejoining a Game
wizard - 28/10/2007 at 03:34 AM

Q. How do I view a game in progress?
A. Click START then the wizard icon.
Then log on to game screen with your username and password.
When you see a Host's name that says 'game started' click on it and you will become a spectator in that game. You may have to wait for the next deal of cards to see the play.
Note: The dealer may choose not to allow you to view the game.

Q.Can I watch a game being played?
A.Yes. When you first come to a game that is already running, you might not see any chat or cards... Just wait for a hand or two and the chat and the cards will show up... When you first come into a game that has started we see your chat but you don't see ours, remember to wait and all will come together...

Q.Can I rejoin a game if I lose my connection?
A.Yes you can get back onto your game... Just come back to your hosted game and wait... You will sit behind your host , you might not see any chat or cards... Not to worry just sit there and you will get cards at the very next deal... And the faster you get back the fewer hands you miss...